
I am genuinely so glad you’re here.

My name’s Taylor, and I’m the person behind Retro Vibes Collective. I live in north Austin with my husband, Nathan, my son, Sonny, and my dog, Nora Jean. I’m also currently pregnant with my second- a girl! She is due late June, and we are so very excited! (please note that Retro Vibes will be on a short hold while I enjoy time with family during that time- if you’re already booked, you have my number and can still reach out!

If you’ve been around for awhile, you know that Retro Vibes started out with me quitting my nursing job, and beginning to flip furniture to make some extra cash. It then evolved into more curated finds and fun velvet furniture, and then to sourcing higher end items from estate sales and auctions. It was so much fun and I learned a lot. But sourcing takes a lot of TIME- something that I don’t have as much of with two little ones running around. 

Thankfully, I had already started collecting 1,000+ vintage glassware and 100+ brass candlesticks, and learned about renting! We’ve since expanded to offer a lot more items, and officially moved from selling furniture, to renting items for weddings and events. 

Will I ever go back to selling furniture? Probably! We’ll go with the flow and see what happens. But as for now, please check out our inventory- we would love to provide you with high quality, affordable items for your big day. 

Thanks for being here and supporting our small business. 

Peace, Taylor.